Perspective and purpose are the two magical ingredients to make a good life. What can we do to apply these to get the most benefit out of our brief time on earth? I delve into seemingly unrelated topics to observe common pitfalls, opportunities and principles worth living by.
My inspiration for this project comes from a desire to help people wake up from apathy and choose a path that has an opportunity to become a story. There are too many people that are metaphorical zombies.
If you find my perspective to be helpful you can thank the armies of people that have come before us that have passed on ideas that matter for generations. Some of my favorite influences include: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy, Jesus, Robinson Crusoe, Thomas Jefferson, Polybius, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars – Only the George Lucas Stuff, Jordan Peterson, My Father, CS Lewis, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Napolean, Shakespeare, The Matrix, Les Misérables, and countless others books, historical figures and thinkers.
Aside from my father I haven’t even mentioned the hundreds of people in my own life that have influenced my thinking and contributed to who I am.
I am a lover of stories. I am not sure anyone even understands much at all without the assistance of some kind of story. We need them to comprehend things. So, I do my best to offer stories from my own life and the lives of others to help ideas hit a little closer to home.
I was born in Virginia, raised in California and been living in Florida for some time now. My life is far from extraordinary but full of stories that other not extraordinary people can relate to.
My goal in life when I was young was to become a modern day Indiana Jones until I realized I wanted a family. To do that I had to change trajectories, but it was worth it. At the end of 2023 and 3 children later I was surprised to find myself getting a divorce. This podcast is the product of my crisis. It is not intended to be a personal journal but rather an invitation to consider some thoughts on life that maybe you haven't thought about before and/or different ways to think about what you already know. I look to share my own life stories only insomuch as they might be a benefit to you.
My 3 small kids live with me 50% of the time here in Tallahassee FL. They have proven to be much more of an anchor in my life than a burden. They bring me more fulfillment than I possibly could have imagined. My time with them is priceless and they enrich my life. I am raising my future best friends and loving it.
I had the opportunity to live in the Philippines as well as in Jordan for a time. Both of these extended stays seriously impacted my life for the better and gave me invaluable perspective that underpins my understanding of the world to this day.
I started my career performing several different roles in the commercial/corporate real estate sector. In 2019 I started a company(Radar Hawk) that locates utilities and other objects buried underground with the aide of Ground Penetrating Radar technology. I like to tell people I am a treasure hunter, but I am more likely to be looking for your sewer line than a pile of gold.
In short, I am a very normal person that loves to read and think about life and then write about it.